Holidays are dedicated to family, friends, and good cheer. Unfortunately, they can also be a time for extra work if you run a business. Between the increased traffic and the added messes, keeping your office clean can take a lot of work. That’s where commercial cleaning services come in! A holiday janitorial company in Bluffdale, UT, can help you get your office back in perfect shape before the new year arrives.

Here’s what you can expect:

1) Floor Cleaning

Office spaces like lobbies, restrooms, and break rooms often get a lot of foot traffic. Professional office cleaning services can ensure that your floors stay clean and presentable, even if you have many visitors. The janitorial staff can use industrial vacuums and mops to keep their floors spotless, reducing the risk of accidents from slippery surfaces.

2) Dusting

Dust accumulates quickly in an office environment, especially during the holidays. Office furniture, shelves, and other items should be dusted regularly to keep the workspace clean. Experts use a damp cloth or a mixture of water and mild soap to dust surfaces.

3) Vacuuming

Vacuuming is an essential part of any commercial cleaning routine. Vacuums should be used to remove dust, dirt, and debris from floors, carpets, and furniture upholstery. Additionally, consider investing in a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter that captures allergens and other pollutants more effectively. Expert commercial holiday cleaning companies use vacuums that can reach even the most hard-to-reach places.

4) Disinfecting

The holidays are a time for celebration, so keeping the office environment clean and sanitary is essential. Disinfectants should be used on all common areas, including kitchen surfaces, door handles, and keyboards. Commercial holiday cleaning services use EPA-approved safe and effective cleaning products to kill germs. Other sanitizing steps include sanitizing restrooms, surfaces, and furniture.

5) Carpet Cleaning

Dirt and stains can build up quickly on office carpets during the holiday season. Professional carpet cleaners use specialized methods to deep clean carpets and remove embedded dirt, dust mites, and allergens. Additionally, commercial cleaning companies often provide spot cleaning and carpet protection services.

6) Window Washing

Clean windows are essential to creating an attractive office environment during the holidays. Professionally cleaned windows add a shine to any commercial space while allowing more natural light into the workspace. To ensure that your windows look their best, consider hiring a commercial cleaning company to wash, clean, and polish windows.

Call Jar Solutions for expert holiday cleaning in Bluffdale, UT. We offer top-notch commercial cleaning services to prepare your office for the holiday season.